Discover more about Portraits: Striking The Pose
Posing is something that can make or break a portrait.
- Do it badly and your subject looks awkward and the resulting image is spoiled (and quickly deleted).
- Do it well and your subject will be at ease and their true character will shine through.
As a portrait photographer (at any skill level) it’s your job to make sure the people in your viewfinder are positioned perfectly and comfortable in front of the camera.
Experienced portrait photographers all have a set of ‘go to’ poses for any situation and have their own ‘way’ of ensuring the people in their portraits are as relaxed and natural possible. Over years and years they’ve experimented, learned what works, what doesn’t. The problem is that this wisdom often sits in the back of their mind, hidden from view…
Not anymore!
Today you’re about to get your hands on the posing secrets of super talented portrait photographer Gina Milicia. With more than 25 years experience taking stunning pictures of people, she’s going to share with you the portrait posing tips and tricks she’s used on royalty, rockstars and supermodels.
We’re not talking here about wildly unnatural poses, we talking about natural poses you can use with anyone, at any time.
What you’ll discover in this eBook
Gina often talks about giving your portraits heart and soul and from the very first chapter you’ll discover she’s put both in every single page of this eBook. Everything she knows about posing is right there at your fingertips
Best of all it’s actionable, it’s inspiring and will help you become a much better portrait photographer, no matter what your level of experience.
Here’s a peek inside:

And the table of contents:
Table of contents
- Credits and copyright 2
- Thank you 4
- Note from Darren 5
- About the Author 5
- - -
- Terms I use in this book 8
- - -
- 1. Be prepared 10
- 2. Expression is EVERYTHING 11
- 3. Be authentic 12
- 4. Have positive energy 12
- 5. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
- 6. Learn to pose, yourself 14
- 8.Praise and encourage 15
- 9. One size does not fit all 15
- 10. Practice makes perfect 16
- - -
- The camera 18
- Great glass. What makes a good portrait lens? 18
- The tripod 23
- - -
- THE WAY 24
- Ditching the mug shots 25
- How to connect with people 26
- How to direct like a pro 28
- Organizing the shoot 33
- How to take a great head shot 37
- Embrace the S shape 45
- Posing men 50
- Posing women 63
- Posing children 75
- Posing couples and pairs 80
- Posing groups 88
- Creating lifestyle body shots 94
- Capturing leaping shots 99
- Storytelling with props 102
- Jazz hands and footloose 103
- Cropping guidelines for portraits 111
- - -
- The ultimate portrait photography checklist 113
- - -
- THE END 116
- Staying in touch 119
The Woman behind the eBook (and the Viewfinder) Gina Milicia
Gina Milicia has been a professional photographer for more than 25 years.
She has photographed some of the world’s most powerful and famous people including royalty and heads of state, billionaires and a-list celebrities and been on location in some of the world’s most exotic places.
Gina is the master of capturing that ‘magical moment’ both in studio and on location.
In this eBook Gina shares her extensive knowledge and experience in an easy-to-follow way to help you fast-track your journey to capturing beautiful portraits
You can get to know Gina a little bit better here
- Is this just for DSLR Owners? – To get the most out of this ebook we do recommend you own dSLR. You’ll still learn a heap about portraits without one in hand, but to get the most out of the eBook a DSLR would be handy.
- Can I read it on my iPad? – yes. This eBook is a PDF and can be read on your computer or any other PDF reading device. To read it on your iPad simply download it to your computer and then upload it to iBooks (or any other PDF reading app).
- Is there a hard cover version? – Unfortunately not – we only do eBooks at this point in time.
- Got Questions or Need Help? – If you have any problems with the purchase or download simply contact our friendly support staff. Please include the name of the eBook you are asking for support on as well as your PayPal email address if you have made a purchase.
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Let’s put an end to the awkward poses and embarrassing moments of portrait photography forever.
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