Don't spend a dime on gear until you read this eBook

Photo Nuts and Gear

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What do we cover in this eBook?
  • Do you really need new gear?
  • How to research gear
  • Resources and places to buy
  • Leveraging the wisdom of the crowd
  • Reading between the lines of reviews
  • Buying Camera Bodies
  • Buying Lenses
  • Buying Tripods
  • Buying Flashes
  • Buying Light Modifiers
  • Buying Camera Bags
  • The purchase mindset (including case studies)
  • Gear familiarisation and care
  • And much more…

A small investment that will save you a fortune on your camera and gear.

Every photographer: amateur, enthusiast or pro will ponder …

What gear should I buy?  

This eBook helps take the mystery out of ensuring you have the perfect photography gear for your needs: from cameras through to lenses, tripods, filters and bags.  It’s perfect for a newer photographer looking to get a little more serious about the gear your carry with you or a great resource for those looking to purchase their very first camera.

Making smart choices not only will save you money, it will ensure you’re using the perfect gear to help you reach your full potential as a photographer.

Is Photo Nuts and Gear for You?

Yes, if you want to:

  • understand what gear is right for you
  • make smart purchasing decisions about the gear you buy
  • upgrade your equipment
  • learn how to look after your gear
  • own the gear that will help you reach your photographic potential!

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What You’ll Discover

Do you really need new gear?

  • A reality check: do you really need to buy more equipment?
  • Can you DIY instead?
  • Reasons for buying new gear and justifying your decision.

Finding the right gear for you

  • How to fully unleash the power of the internet.
  • Community support and the wisdom of the crowd.
  • How to read reviews, read between the lines and know which reviews are garbage.
  • Lists of valuable resources for research.

Camera Gear Explained

  • Extensive in-depth look at a wide variety of camera equipment.
  • Many important features explained, in the context of researching your purchase.
  • Advice and help with determining what’s important and what’s not.
  • Covers core and obscure features you might otherwise overlook.
  • Covers most equipment including camera bodies, lenses, flashes, tripods and more.

Case studies:

  • Examples of real world gear purchasing decisions.
  • Advice on how to choose and buy a telephoto, flash and more.

A peek inside the eBook

What do we cover in this eBook?
  • Do you really need new gear?
  • How to research gear
  • Resources and places to buy
  • Leveraging the wisdom of the crowd
  • Reading between the lines of reviews
  • Buying Camera Bodies
  • Buying Lenses
  • Buying Tripods
  • Buying Flashes
  • Buying Light Modifiers
  • Buying Camera Bags
  • The purchase mindset (including case studies)
  • Gear familiarisation and care
  • And much more…


  • Is this just for DSLR Owners? – The information in this eBook is perfect for those new-ish to photography looking to purchase or upgrade your camera and gear.  The lens and flash sections are probably more focused on those looking to buy, or already owning a dLSR, however we cover all camera types and other accessories such as tripods and bags that are universal.
  • Can I read it on my iPad? – yes. This eBook is a PDF and can be read on your computer or any other PDF reading device. To read it on your iPad simply download it to your computer and then upload it to iBooks (or any other PDF reading app).
  • Is there a hard cover version? – Unfortunately not – we only do eBooks at this point in time.
  • Got Questions or Needing Help? – If you have any problems with the purchase or download simply contact our friendly support staff. Please include the name of the eBook you are asking for support on as well as your PayPal email address if you have made a purchase.

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