Look through your photo archive and you’re likely to see lots of photos of two things — people and landscapes.
But what is it about Landscape Photography we love so much?
As a Landscape Photographer you strive to capture and share the beauty of the world around you, just as you see it through your own eyes. But there can be a big difference between a good shot and great one …
- A good landscape photo will sit in your archive and never be seen again.
- A great landscape photo will bring the scene back to life every time you or your friends see them.
… and it’s likely you’ve only got one chance to make it count.
Living Landscapes will help you move past the point, click and hope approach to landscape photography. You’ll learn from a pro how to capture stunning landscape photos you’ll hang on walls – not hide in albums – by mastering the three key ingredients to stunning and engaging landscape photography.
- The craft: Understand how exposure, color, and focus can make or break a shot.
- The tools: A shoot-more-shop-less approach to the gear a landscape photographer needs.
- The creativity: Merge what you know (craft) what you have (tools) with your imagination to create inspiring Landscape Photos.
What You’ll Discover in this 130+ page eBook
- How to simplify the process of making engaging and technically proficient landscape images.
- How to overcome the unique challenges that landscape photography presents.
- The 4 landscape fundamentals that turn bland into beautiful.
- Workshops and guided tours of some amazing landscape images.
- A straight forward explanation of the gear you need (it isn’t as much as you might think.)
- Landscape specific post-processing techniques.
- Advanced tips and techniques for specific scenarios: mountains, water, bush and forest, black and white and panoramic stitching.

What’s in this eBook?
Table of contents
- A word from DPS 4
- About the Authors 4
- Foreword 6
- - -
- The nature of landscape photography 7
- Landscape photography defined 8
- What makes landscape photography tricky? 9
- - -
- Tools of the trade 12
- Do cameras matter? 13
- DSLR camera systems 13
- Choosing a camera body 14
- Camera functions for landscape photography 15
- Landscape photography lenses 16
- Ultra-wide lenses (12mm - 18mm) 16
- Wide angle lenses (20mm - 35mm) 17
- Mid-range zooms (24mm - 70mm) 17
- Normal lenses (50mm) 18
- Telephoto zooms (70-30mm) 18
- Super telephoto (400mm - 800mm) 18
- Tripods 19
- Ballheads 19
- Filters 20
- Flashcards 22
- Caring for your camera equipment 22
- - -
- The craft of landscape photography 23
- Four things that matter 24
- Exposure explained 25
- Exposure Control 28
- Aperture 28
- Shutter speed 28
- ISO 29
- The exposure reciprocity triangle 30
- Nailing correct exposure in-camera 31
- Exposure camera settings 33
- Image quality 33
- Color 34
- Focusing 34
- Craft workshop: Autumnal Vineyard 36
- Craft workshop: Lone Moeraki Boulder 40
- Photographic craft summary 44
- - -
- Creativity 45
- Choosing great subjects 46
- Great light 47
- Composition 50
- Dynamic landscape images 52
- Static landscape composition 58
- Creative field tutorial 66
- - -
- Post-Production 71
- The 'morals' of digital image enhancement 72
- Photoshop's dirty little secret 74
- Landscape photography post-production 76
- Four things that matter 79
- Exposure 79
- Color 80
- Contrast 80
- Output quality settings 80
- Walkthrough one: Cathedral Cave, Coromandel NZ 81
- Walkthrough two: Bypass Road, Ranfuri NZ 85
- Walkthrough three: Paddock, Moeraki NZ 88
- - -
- Specialist landscape advice 91
- Photographing sunsets and sunrises 92
- Photographing mountains 98
- Photographing water 106
- Photographing bush and forest 113
- Photographing in black and white 117
- Photographing panoramic images 124
- - -
- Go forth and create 131
- Stay in touch with dPS 132
About the Author, Todd Sisson
Todd has been working as a photographer professionally with his wife and business partner, Sarah, since 2001. Living Landscapes has been written by Todd based on their experiences together and features case studies by Sarah.
Collectively, their career has spanned a range of genres including advertising, editorial, fashion, architectural, videography and portraiture. Landscape photography is Todd and Sarah’s first love and since 2007 this has been the sole focus of their business. They live in the deep south of New Zealand with two very busy children and a one-legged transient quail.
- Is this just for DSLR Owners? – To get the most out of this ebook we do recommend you own dSLR. You’ll still learn a heap about landscapes without one in hand, but to get the most out of the eBook a DSLR would be handy.
- Can I read it on my iPad? – yes. This eBook is a PDF and can be read on your computer or any other PDF reading device. To read it on your iPad simply download it to your computer and then upload it to iBooks (or any other PDF reading app).
- Is there a hard cover version? – Unfortunately not – we only do eBooks at this point in time.
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