Some of the most profound stories in history have been told with black and white photos. Isn’t it time you started creating some of your own?
The way we capture and process black and white photos might have changed over time, but the emotion, the passion and drama your black and white photos can invoke, will always be at its heart.
The Essential Guide to Black And White Photography has been created specifically to help you bring the timeless art of black and white photography to the modern science within your camera.
Together they’ll help you take remarkable black and white photos.
In this comprehensive eBook you’ll not only learn how to ‘see’ in black and white, you also learn the best gear to use, the special skills and setup needed to shoot and how to process your black and white photos to perfection – this eBook has it all covered.
Ready to take the quality of your black and white photography to a whole new level?
Pick up a copy today for only $9 USD USD.
This Essential Guide is Practical, Easy to Follow and Beautifully Presented. Let’s take a look Inside
This is must-have resource for anyone aspiring to take amazing black and white photos. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s inside.

Table of contents
- Foreword 5
- - -
- 1. The aesthetics of black and white photography 7
- An introduction to black and white photography 8
- Which images should you convert to black and white? 11
- How to see in black and white 15
- - -
- 2. Equipment 21
- Shooting with black and white film and filters 22
- Black and white digital cameras 27
- Shooting in-camera black and white images 28
- Why you should always shoot RAW images 30
- Other equipment 35
- - -
- 3. Shooting black and white 37
- Understanding tonal range and contrast 38
- Optimizing and monitoring exposure 40
- Expose to the right (ETTR) 45
- - -
- 4. Converting to black and white 47
- Simple black and white conversion techniques and why to avoid them 48
- Monitoring highlight and shadow clipping within Photoshop 51
- Converting to black and white in Photoshop, Lightroom and Camera Raw 53
- Converting to black and white using the Channel Mixer 57
- Converting to black and white using the Calculations method 59
- Pre-conversion tips and tricks to create the most effective black and white images 61
- Blending black and white conversion techniques 64
- Plugins for Black and White Photography 67
- - -
- 5. Adjusting tonal range, balance and contrast 76
- Introducing the Curves tools 77
- Making selective adjustments using Curves and Masks 84
- Creating effective vignettes 92
- - -
- 6. Black and white portraiture 94
- An introduction to black and white portraiture 95
- Working with detail and skin tones 100
- Converting a portrait to black and white using Lab Color mode 105
- Enhancing your subject's eyes 107
- - -
- 7. Toning black and white images 109
- Monochromatic toning techniques 110
- Toning and image using the Selective Color Tool 113
- Toning an image using the Curves tool 117
- Toning an image using a Gradient Map 123
- - -
- 8. Conclusion 127
About the Author, David J. Nightingale
David Nightingale is an internationally acclaimed, award-winning photographer, author and instructor. He has worked as a professional photographer since 2005 and has been the Creative Director of Chromasia Training Limited since 2007, a company specialising in online photography and post-production training, one-to-one tuition, and the delivery of high-quality workshops and photo tours around the world.
When he’s not teaching David lives with his wife and seven children, and they share their time between their homes in Blackpool (on the UK’s north-west coast) and Dryanovo, in mountainous central Bulgaria.
You can find out more about him on his blog, or say hello on twitter and facebook.
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